Customer Testimonials

  • positive review  Highly recommend the team at Autopro Whangarei. Awesome, efficient, honest customer service & repairs at a very reasonable price. Thanks guys!

    Daniella Silulu Avatar Daniella Silulu
    27 October 2021

    Amazing customer service, Byron sorted out a problem with my VW golf today- he was fast, efficient & so helpful. Can definitely say I'll be returning, thanks a million!

    Alannah Cate Avatar Alannah Cate
    21 October 2016

    positive review  Great service. Great advice. I'll be going back!

    Christine Davis Avatar Christine Davis
    17 May 2018
  • Fully appreciate the great service, timely responses and value at Autopro. Byron has looked after all my vehicles for about 3 years now and I always feel I receive awesome service and value for money. He always discusses what he intends to do prior to doing it so there are no surprises. I fully recommend Byron to all my mates and whanau. Gordon

    Gordon Little Avatar Gordon Little
    23 January 2018

    My husband and I book our vehicles into Autopro whenever they need attention and every time the service is excellent - fast and of a high standard. We really appreciate the high level of customer service Byron provides, we won't go anywhere else. As a result we recommend Autopro to anyone and everyone!! 🙂

    Avala Knight Avatar Avala Knight
    21 June 2017

    Our family travelled to Whangarei from Auckland last night and we noticed the van starting to lose power. Early this morning we tried searching for mechanics around Whangarei hoping someone would be available to check out the van at such short notice (not to mention a Saturday). My husband rang Byron from AutoPro, and he was kind enough to give some advice and even told us to bring it in despite his busy morning. We arrived, he check under the bonnet and was able to find the issue withing 5mins!!! Our own mechanic in Auckland has seen our van twice, same issue and was unable to fix it. Not only did Byrone identify the issue, he drove down the road, found the part and is currently putting the part in!! What a relief and blessing for our family of 10. We will make it back home for school and work on Monday. Thanks so much Byron, the name AutoPro is a true reflection of your service, expertise, and skills! Highly recommend this man to take care of your vehicle and we'll be spreading the word to all our family living here in Whangarei.

    Edith Davis-Sigley Avatar Edith Davis-Sigley
    8 September 2017